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Nintendothon – 3 Weeks Away

Hey everyone, I’m sure you share the disbelief that we’re so close, but yes, we only have 3 WEEKS to go until Nintendothon goes live! I figured that now would be a great time to tell you more about all of the awesome things we have planned for the 96 hour charity event, so without further ado, let’s get into it!


Fundraiser-Integrated Stream

For Nintendothon and the St. Jude fundraiser, we are using a service called Tiltify to integrate the fundraiser page into your stream experience!

Our brand new, integrated Tiltify fundraiser page for St. Jude.

 Not only does Tiltify allow you to watch the broadcast and chat, but it also allows you to see the progress toward the goal, see a schedule of all the games being played, has incentives & stretch goals integrated, and so much more. If you’re not a fan of this though, do not fret! Although the Tiltify page is the preferred, optimum way to enjoy Nintendothon, we will have info panels and other integrations directly on the Twitch page as well! Want to check out the Tiltify page ahead of the stream? You can do that here: https://tiltify.com/@gamingforglobalchange/gfgc


Games, Games, Games!

Although the specific games and schedule are still to be decided, we’ve confirmed a whopping 36+ games being played at the event! I know you may be thinking this is a step down from the 60 games we played back at Wiitendothon, but trust me, it’s in good faith, as not only are we featuring only first party Nintendo titles, but we’re also adding Variable Game Times!

Sometimes, we find that 2 hours is just a bit too short to play an epic title like The Legend of Zelda or Super Mario, so thus, we’re expanding upon our “Primetime” and “Latenight” game designations to better accommodate! Games in Primetime will run for 4 hours, which should give plenty of time to make more significant progress in games like Mario and Zelda. In Latenight, to create variety and keep the party going all night long, the games will switch off every two hours in traditional Wiitendothon style. Primetime will run from 12PM-12AM, and Latenight will run from 12AM-12PM.

In addition to varying game lengths, we’re also switching it up, and playing Nintendo Switch games at the event! Currently confirmed are smash hits like Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but we are also hoping to include some more hidden gems like 1, 2 Switch! and ARMS. Find out when your favorites are being played when the schedule is released later this month!


An Inside View

Way back when in 2015, we had a feature at one of our marathons that allowed you to really peer inside the studio and see incentive action up close. It was absent at our marathons in the last couple years, but with so much planned for Nintendothon, we decided to bring it back! Announcing Nintendothon Periscope!

This Periscope channel will let you get close up and personal with the attendees as we go through strange soda tests, pies to the face, blindfolded makeovers, and more. You can follow the Periscope channel here! We think that this will be a great way to help you get a better view of what’s happening, and we hope you’ll enjoy it!


Flash Incentives Return!

On top of our set list of donation incentives prior to the stream, the incentives generated on the fly are making their comeback at Nintendothon.

A punishing flash-incentive for Jared at Wiitendothon back in July.

We saw some really fun, punishing, and creative flash incentives at Nintendothon, but we want your help in coming up with even more. If you have an idea for a flash incentive you’d want to see at the event, post it down in the comments below, it may end up on stream!

We hope you’re as excited for Nintendothon as we are, and can’t wait to begin on Dec. 27th! Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for blog posts about the event, featuring announcements including the game schedule, the  list of attendees, and so much more. Want to help us get a jump start on our fundrasing efforts? Check out this blog post here to see how you can help!