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Nintendothon Sword and Shield – Switching Things Up!

Hey all! We have less than one week to go until Nintendothon Sword and Shield kicks off! With that, we figured now would be a perfect time to update you on all of the news and announcements related to the event. This post is a long one folks, so buckle in!

As announced at the 2019 GFGC Winter Kickoff, Nintendothon Sword and Shield will be a competitive twist on the Nintendothon formula, with two teams battling for bragging rights, rewards for viewers, and for a good cause!

With this team-based structure, several changes to the stream have been made to integrate the competition into the event. This update post will outline a few of these changes, and how they will work.

Experience (often shortened to just EXP) is what drives the competition between Team Sword and Team Shield. Through the three different methods outlined below, both teams will earn experience, which will allow them to “Level Up” and unlock a new incentive or reward. The different ways to earn experience are as follows:

Every day of the event, Team Sword and Team Shield will go head-to-head in an Experience Battle! These battles will last between two to three hours in length, and feature several fun and creative “events” under their respective games. The six EXP Battles scheduled for Nintendothon Sword and Shield are as follows:

  • Mario Kart 8 EXP Battle
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate EXP Battle
  • Wii Sports Resort EXP Battle
  • 1-2 Switch EXP Battle
  • Super Mario Party EXP Battle
  • Nintendothon New Year Bash EXP Battle

Whether its Final Destination in Smash or a Driving-While-Texting Mario Kart race, the events for each EXP Battle are varied and sure to entertain! Every event won will award each team 1,000 EXP, and every event lost will award each team 250 EXP. You learn a lot just competing in these battles you know!

Support your favorite team to dominate the stream by helping them get ownership! Ownership is a mechanic that is given at the top of every hour of the stream, and awards 1,000 EXP. How is ownership determined you may ask? It’s all a game of evens and odds!

If the last dollar digit in the donation total is an EVEN number, Team Shield gets ownership!

If the last dollar digit in the donation total is an ODD number, Team Sword gets ownership!

Some examples of how ownership is decided are presented below:

  • $101.00
    • Last dollar digit is 1, which is an odd number, granting Team Sword ownership for that hour.
  • $230.00
    • Last dollar digit is 0, which is an even number, granting Team Shield ownership for that hour.
  • $337.75
    • Last dollar digit is 7, which is an odd number, granting Team Sword ownership for that hour.

With a $1 donation being all that’s needed to flip the last digit from odd to even, donation battles at the top of every hour are sure to be exciting!

Can’t donate to the cause, but still want to support your favorite team? Engage with their posts on social media! Every day of the event, both teams will post tweets (tagged #TeamSword and #TeamShield) on the GFGC Twitter page. Every like or retweet on these posts will count for 50 EXP to the team, tabulated on the next day of the event. Engage with each team to help them earn experience and level up!

As mentioned before, by gaining experience, each team levels up and unlocks exclusive incentives and rewards for the stream viewers to enjoy! The leveling systems for Team Sword and Team Shield are outlined below:

Team Sword’s chaotic, strike-first nature results in a series of unlockable incentives designed to inflict pain on the attendees. Between pies in the face and hot sauce shots, supporting Team Sword at the event will surely result in some entertaining moments!

Team Sword’s rage-against-the-machine spirit will show itself in full force should they gain the most experience in the competition, resulting in a Not-Nintendothon bonus stream in 2020!

  • Level 1: Reached at 1,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Duct-Taped People Incentive
  • Level 2: Reached at 5,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Hot Sauce Shots Incentive
  • Level 3: Reached at 10,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Raw Garlic Incentive
  • Level 4: Reached at 15,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Pie in the Face Incentive
  • Level 5: Reached at 25,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Baby Food Incentive
  • Level 6: Reached at 50,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Egg Roulette Incentive
  • Level 7: Reached at 75,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Bean Boozled Incentive
  • Level 8: Reached at 100,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Eat It or Wear It Incentive

Team Shield’s defensive, strategic stature results in a series of unlocks that are designed to entertain and reward viewers and attendees alike! Between blindfolded makeovers and bonus games and raffles, supporting Team Shield will allow you to reap the rewards of a fun marathon!

Team Shield’s in-depth planning before they strike allows them to create more optimal conditions in the future. Should they receive the most experience in the competition, the Summer Nintendothon event will be extended by one additional day!

  • Level 1: Reached at 1,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Whisper Challenge
  • Level 2: Reached at 5,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Lip-Stretch Mouthpieces
  • Level 3: Reached at 10,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Chubby Bunny Challenge
  • Level 4: Reached at 15,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Blindfolded Makeover Incentive
  • Level 5: Reached at 25,000 EXP
    • UnlocksNintendothon Match Game
  • Level 6: Reached at 50,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Nintendothon Money Mystery Game
  • Level 7: Reached at 75,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Improvathon
  • Level 8: Reached at 100,000 EXP
    • Unlocks: Bonus Raffle

Another major shift in Nintendothon Sword and Shift is the way in which the event is scheduled. Gone are the traditional Primetime and Latenight blocks, allowing for a more fluid and flexible scheduling model! Gameplay blocks will now vary between 1 hour and 6 hours in length, and can be placed at any time of the day!

The official schedule for the Nintendothon Sword and Shield event will be released on December 25th, 2019 at the Nintendothon webpage, so keep an eye out for it!

With the departure of flash incentives this marathon, a new system of on-the-spot incentives fills it’s place! With every $10 donation to the campaign, a wheel is sent spinning, full of several smaller scale incentives such as slaps, sour candies, workouts and more! Spins stack with donations (i.e. a $20 donation = 2 spins), and spincentives can occur as many times as they are landed upon! Contribute larger amounts to St. Jude Children’s Hospital this marathon, and get those spincentives rolling!

In addition to the spincentive system, there will be four milestone incentives unlocked as we raise cumulative amounts for the campaign! They are:

  • $250 – Lemon Social
  • $500 – Strange Soda Test
  • $750 – Coatless Snow Angels
  • $1,000 – Foreign Food Test

With all of the different ways to unlock incentives this marathon, we’re sure there’s a lot of excitement in store!

The last announcement this week is the Nintendothon Sword and Shield Draft! We hope that you’ll join us on the night of December 26th, 2019, as we split our cast of event attendees onto Team Sword and Team Shield. Join the captains of each team, Jared and Tobi, as they battle for first-pick rights, team advantages, make announcements, and so much more. This can’t miss add-on to Nintendothon Sword and Shield will also be a great time to consider a donation to the campaign and get that Spincentive wheel going before the event even starts!

The Nintendothon Sword and Shield Draft will begin at 10:00PMCT on December 26th, 2019, over at the Tiltify campaign page!

We’ll obviously need attendees in order to have a draft, right? So without further ado, we reveal the cast of attendees for Nintendothon Sword and Shield!

Event director Jared is excited to lead Team Shield to victory at his fifth Nintendothon marathon! He’s excited for both the new things coming around this marathon, as well as raising money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!
Team Sword captain Tobi jumps into action at Nintendothon Sword and Shield! Join her as she leads her team to strike a victory, and raises money for St. Jude in the process! Nintendothon Sword and Shield will be her fifth Nintendothon event.


Jake is returning back for his fifth Nintendothon event, and ready to fight for a good cause! Join him as he fights for his team in the event’s EXP battles!

Ethan getting ready to fight for a cure at his fifth Nintendothon event? That’s fair! Join Ethan as he fights for team victory in the overnight blocks this marathon!
Lindsey’s ready to swing into action at Nintendothon Sword and Shield! Join her as she fights for her team’s dominance at the Nintendothon New Year Bash!
Join our resident technical wizard Leyla, as she puts her skills into practice and fights for his team’s success! Nintendothon Sword and Shield will be her fith Nintendothon event.


Duncan is ready to bring his ace gaming skills to the table and bring loads of experience to his team! Nintendothon Sword and Shield will be his fifth Nintendothon event.


We’d like everyone to give a hearty welcome to Nintendothon newcomer Adam! He’s ready to give his time to fight for a good cause and bring his team to victory! This will be his first Nintendothon event.


Britta’s coming back from her study abroad in Spain to check in with the Nintendothon crew for a couple of days. Although the chance of encountering Britta will be low this event, she’s excited to bring her enthusiasm for a good cause to her fifth Nintendothon event!

Thanks to this event’s sponsors:

We’d like to give a big thanks to Ryan, Dash, and Arflic for supporting Nintendothon Sword and Shield as Global Changers, as well as the rest of the event’s sponsors over on Patreon! Your support of Nintendothon Sword and Shield has assisted in making this event possible and we couldn’t be more thankful! You’ll be contacted soon regarding game sponsorship selection!

That’s it for our announcements and news today! Be sure to join us for Nintendothon Sword and Shield, beginning at 4:00PMCT on December 27th, 2019, over at the GFGC Fight for a Cure campaign page! Want to make an impact before the stream even starts? Consider a donation to St. Jude through the campaign today! The minimum donation is $1, and 100% of your donation will go straight to  St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! We can’t wait to fight for a good cause at Nintendothon Sword and Shield, and hope to see you all there!