GFGC Summer of Water & Wiitendothon – Wrap Up
Hey GFGC! It’s officially fall, arguably one of my favorite times of the year. The time that the leaves have started to fall from the trees, and the time for us to look back on our recent seasonal impact campaign, the GFGC Summer of Water. It doesn’t seem like it, but the GFGC…
Wiitendothon – Official Schedule
Wiitendothon is a scheduled event, with all 60+ games having a designated time and a select few attendees to play them! Each block of time is two hours long, and as mentioned in this blog post, blue text refers to a “Primetime” game, and gray text refers to a “Latenight” game. All start times are…
Wiitendothon – One Week Away!
Hey hey everyone! We are officially ONE WEEK TO WIITENDOTHON! I know, I know, it’s really hard to hold your excitement, (trust us, it is for us too), but we’ve got a whole line-up of announcements this week to keep your hype going all the way until 4PMCT on the 20th of July! In…
Wiitendothon – Wii Play, U Change The World!
We are only 18 days (yes, only 18!!) out from the premiere of our newest charity marathon, Wiitendothon, a 120 Hour livestream of 60 Wii, Wii U and Virtual Console games. Since we’re so close to the event, we figured we’d make our first blog post on our new website to help share some new…
Announcing The Summer of Water Campaign
GFGC, it’s officially summer time! Now that the majority of our community has finally been pulled from the grasps of school and college, it’s time to begin again in doing what we love to do: making a difference in the world. That’s why we’re bringing together all of GFGC this summer for a community-wide global…