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GFGC Summer of Relief Campaign

Welcome to the summer GFGC! We hope that you’re outside enjoying those warmer temperatures and time in the sun! Although nicer weather is one sign of the summer, the big sign for us is the launch of our summer charity campaign! We kicked-off our campaign this last Saturday at the first annual GFGC Summer Kickoff event, and made some exciting announcements as well. We’re so excited to kickoff the GFGC Summer of Relief campaign for the benefit of Direct Relief!

 It’s time to bring relief direct to people in need with our Summer of Relief campaign! In case you missed our announcement at the Summer Kickoff stream, we are dedicating the next four months to raising money for the benefit of Direct Relief!

Direct Relief is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources needed for their care. Founded in 1948, Direct Relief has improved the lives of millions of people around the world by providing medical aid, supplies, and funding to medically-underserved regions and communities—without regard to politics, religion, gender, race, or ability to pay. Direct Relief responds to areas affected by disaster quickly, addresses HIV/AIDS, cancer & other rare disease, as well as strengthens fragile health systems worldwide. In mobilizing and bringing relief and aid directly to those in need of it, Direct Relief is saving lives and livelihoods, changing the world for the better.

We hope to support Direct Relief’s global initiatives by raising $1,000 for the charity through the Summer of Relief campaign. We can’t achieve this alone however, and want your help! You can donate to the cause using the link below, share the cause with friends and family on social media, and consider streaming for the benefit of the campaign! Any action, support, or help you can give assists Direct Relief in advancing their mission.

The Summer of Relief campaign will culminate in July with our next charity marathon, Super Nintendothon.

This July we’re making it Super, with Super Nintendothon! Super Nintendothon is the largest and longest charity marathon GFGC has ever hosted, with more than six days of Nintendo gameplay for the benefit of Direct Relief. Much like our previous Nintendo marathon events in the past, Super Nintendothon will feature a large library of your favorites being played, including classics like The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros, and more recent releases, like Kirby Star Allies and Super Mario Odyssey. We have a lot of updates coming soon about how we’re going to make your Nintendothon experience super this July, so stay tuned for more information! Super Nintendothon will begin at 4:00PMCT on July 19th, 2018 at the Tiltify fundraiser page, and our Twitch channel.

Let’s get directly to it GFGC, because it’s the Summer of Relief! Donate to Direct Relief now through our fundraiser campaign page, found at https://tiltify.com/@gamingforglobalchange/summerofrelief, share the cause with friends and family, and spread the word on social media using #GFGCSummerOfRelief! Together we can provide direct medical relief to people all around the globe! Together we can game for global change!

I’m super excited to see how this summer unfolds! Let’s support Direct Relief!